West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges

28 April 2015

Showcasing Skills & Talent with Matchfit Skills Competitions

Since 2012 the Matchfit Skills project has seen over 3000 students, 70 employers & 35 education providers involved in over 200 competitions and finals competing in 10 different subject areas.

Matchfit was introduced to motivate and continuously improve the skills of students and employees; bringing their talents to life through exciting competitions, hands-on activities and useful information sessions.

putting something back into industry

Employers have played a big part in the skills competitions through judging the competitions and also providing sponsors. Tony Richardson, Bradford Regional Manager at Yesss Electrical states, “Being involved with Match-fit helps YESSS as a business put something back into our industry and no better place than with the individuals who will eventually be on the front line and involved with the installation and testing of electrical products.”

driving improvements across the skills sector

Feedback from education providers in the region has been great, Ian Billyard, Principal at Leeds College of Building comments:

“I believe that Matchfit provides students’ with a wonderful opportunity to showcase their skills and expertise to their peers, industry and commerce. The competitions are inclusive and are open to all students in the region, which is unique…they also provide opportunities for the staff to link and share best practice which helps drive improvements across the education and skills sector.”

Matchfit has been extremely successful in raising the awareness of vocational skills competitions across the region bringing together young people, tutors, education providers and employers in a programme celebrating the finest skills the region has to offer.

There are still a number of finals which will be taking place until July this year for more information about the upcoming events please visit: www.matchfitskills.co.uk or contact jack@matchfitskills.co.uk

Matchfit aims to inspire and embed a skills competition ethos within education and employment across the Yorkshire and Humber region. Matchfit is a European Social Fund (ESF) project funded through Calderdale College’s Skills Enhancement Fund which was commissioned by the Skills Funding Agency and awarded to the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges with Calderdale College as the accountable body.