West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges


The West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges (WYCC) is the lead organisation for a number of skills contracts funded by the Department for Education and funding through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. These contracts will help to achieve the objectives of the Local Skills Improvement Plan for West Yorkshire and increase growth prosperity among businesses.

Current projects

Skills Connect - offering free (fully funded) training courses and Skills Bootcamps (DfE) to all adults across West Yorkshire in construction, engineering, manufacturing and green skills. Gainshare and Department for Education (WYCA and LEP) funding ongoing.

The Green Skills Service is a resource and support package for businesses in the region that was set up by WYCC as part of the Government's Strategic Development Fund (SDF) in 2022 and is live now. This funding is enabling colleges to develop the curriculum to meet employer demands, and raise awareness of sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals through both capital investment and collaborative training.

The contracts offer training opportunities for businesses as a result of the collaboration between employers, colleges, private training providers and universities. We aim to shape training solutions for higher skilled workforces and create opportunities for those facing barriers to training in low paid roles as well as providing solutions to support economic growth for businesses.

Procurement of provision

Where relevant, the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges will procure provision from organisations for specific and targeted activities to help the consortium fulfil these contracts. These activities must be designed to complement other skills offers within the region and will be subject to approval by WYCC.

Find our latest commissions and tender opportunities please register on the In-tend website.